Retrieve Solana Token Balance with JavaScript

Anchor Framework

Fetch Solana token balance using JavaScript with '@solana/web3.js', providing connection details, public key, and token mint address.

import { Connection, PublicKey, Token } from '@solana/web3.js'; async function getTokenBalance(connection, publicKey, tokenMintAddress) { const token = new Token(connection, tokenMintAddress, null); const balance = await token.getBalance(publicKey); return balance; } const connection = new Connection("", { commitment: "processed", }); const publicKey = new PublicKey("YourPublicKeyHere"); const tokenMintAddress = new PublicKey("TokenMintAddressHere"); getTokenBalance(connection, publicKey, tokenMintAddress).then(balance => { console.log("Token balance:", balance.toString()); }).catch(error => { console.error("Error:", error); });


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This code snippet is designed to retrieve the balance of a specific token for a given public key on the Solana blockchain using JavaScript and the @solana/web3.js library. It defines an asynchronous function getTokenBalance that takes a Connection object, a PublicKey for the wallet of interest, and a PublicKey for the token mint address. It uses these to create a Token object and calls its getBalance method to fetch the token balance. The balance is then logged to the console.

Detailed Explanation:

  • Importing Necessary Classes: The snippet starts by importing Connection, PublicKey, and Token classes from @solana/web3.js. These are essential for interacting with the Solana blockchain.

    • Connection: Used to establish a connection with the Solana blockchain.
    • PublicKey: Represents public keys on the Solana blockchain.
    • Token: A class representing a token on the Solana blockchain, allowing for operations such as fetching balances.
  • The getTokenBalance Function:

    • It is an asynchronous function, indicating operations within it may not complete instantly.
    • Takes three parameters: connection (an instance of Connection), publicKey (instance of PublicKey for the wallet), and tokenMintAddress (instance of PublicKey for the token's mint address).
    • Inside, it creates a new Token instance using the provided connection, tokenMintAddress, and null for the programId (assuming the default token program).
    • It then awaits the result of the getBalance method called on the Token instance, passing the publicKey.
    • Finally, it returns the balance.
  • Establishing a Connection:

    • A new Connection is created with the URL of the Solana mainnet beta cluster and a commitment level of "processed". This sets the level of confirmation the node should consider a transaction to be finalized.
  • Defining Public Keys:

    • Two PublicKey instances are created, one for the user's public key and another for the token mint address. These are placeholders and should be replaced with actual public key strings.
  • Executing the Function:

    • The getTokenBalance function is called with the connection, publicKey, and tokenMintAddress. It returns a promise that resolves with the balance.
    • .then() is used to handle the resolved promise, logging the balance to the console.
    • .catch() is used to catch and log any errors that occur during the execution.

Conclusion: This code is a straightforward example of how to fetch a token's balance for a specific wallet on the Solana blockchain using JavaScript. It leverages the @solana/web3.js library to interact with the blockchain, making it a useful snippet for developers working on Solana-based applications requiring balance checks.



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Published on

September 19, 2024

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